A National Collaborative Focus on Spay/NeuterThe American Partnership for Pets believed that this was not only an opportunity, but also our obligation. And we have collaborated to speak with a united voice on behalf of our nation's unwanted and homeless pets. We hope that YOU will join with us in this effort! MISSIONThe American Partnership for Pets will work toward a nation of no more unwanted and homeless pets.POSITIONThe preventable tragedy of unwanted and homeless pets touches every American. It is an American and a community issue.
Pets are given up or abandoned for a variety of reasons including:
Source: National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy Spaying and Neutering has preventative benefits and is a part of the solution:
THE PARTNERSAmerican Partnership for PetsSetting a standard for collaborative approach to a social issue! The individual philosophies and positions of our partners do not necessarily reflect those of the American Partnership for Pets. We are proud to live in a nation that provides us the freedom to be different. We are proud that we have set those differences aside to focus upon that which we all agree -- our common love and appreciation for animals, and the importance of spaying and neutering our pets. Meet the tremendous American Partners CONTACTAmerican Partnership for Petsc/o Prevent a Litter Coalition, Inc. Suite 105 PMB 143 Herndon, VA 20171 Website: americanpartnershipforpets.org Email: Please note: Trademarks and copyrights used herein are properties of the United States Postal Service and are used under license to American Partnership for Pets. All Rights Reserved. The American Partnership for Pets name and marks are also trademarked and may not be used without permission. American Partnership for Pets is coordinated by Prevent a Litter Coalition, Inc. |